Musings are my poetry, my prayers and the "readings" that come to me when I am in connection with my spirit guides. Below is a collection of my most recent musings... I hope they speak to you.
May I be here, Completely here.
May I know that my home is here.
May each day bring the perfect mix of joy and discomfort
May I follow my true heart's guidance,
To discover the deepest purpose of my work, my passion.
The beautiful footprint I leave from my time on this earth.
Let me remember that this moment now,
This breath, this body is here to grow and change.
Show me now how I can be more compassionate, kind and giving to and of myself.
Guide me always towards Unity.
Show me in my darkness the light of truth.
Guide my feet to walk where you need me to be
Connect me to the moments where I can be of service
Send me into prayer to surrender ALL to the creator
Fortify me so I remain true, clear and humble
Take my heart for it is yours to fill and mend
And so I pray
And so I rest
Down into the earth
As Angels guard
Emotions battle
Then unite
Stories unravel
Then reveal
The back of me my shell
The belly of me softening
One Love dances above
Healing flows below
The voice I hear
The voice I must speak aloud
And so I pray
And so I rest
Uncertainty lies in the peripheral
Hidden Deep by years of half truths
Sweet sister surrender
Let me fall
Lurking conversations
With no business being here
Sweet sister surrender
Soften the landing
Grooves etched deep
Support the loop of repeat
Sweet sister surrender
Weep with me now
One rose bud dismantled
Permission to heal
Sweet sister surrender
Breath we me now
Blessed Sister
Look out on the water
Break open one more time
For me because I may not be ready
Blessed Sister
Hear the call of our divinity
Hold me warmly to your chest
Carry me with you as you soar
Blessed Sister we are of one accord.
Prayer, Mantra, Silence & My Love
Love, Sybil
The Sky’s canvas is water
Trees detailed in reality
Blurred in reflection
White disguised blue by shadows
White breasted beauty by sunlight
Is it what I see?
Or make of this metaphor
Perspectives blur as
Truth becomes more relative
Foreground and background
Reality or illusion
My God my insides stir
Awakened by life itself
My lord this day is blessing itself
Today I stand rooted
I gather myself
I look around myself
I se upon nature's splendor
Today I stand beautiful
I collect myself
I feel every detail
I know nature's wisdom
Each season my teacher
Today I stand ready
Reaching my limbs to the sky
Digging my toes into the earth
Sun shining in pools of gratitude
In my own eyes
Together as, one nature and I
We give our thanks
We humbly bow